Performance Groups





The program selects future professionals based on high evaluation criteria.
It is aimed at children between the ages of 11 and 14, with the aim of performing in national and international ballet competitions (Youth America Grand Prix, World Dance Masters, Dance Star, Bucharest Dance Festival).

The intensive program takes place with a frequency of 6 times a week, designed in such a way that the students perfect their skills for participating in competitions with both solo and group numbers.

All students will also participate in the three annual performances organized by the Academy of Dance Ballet Art: two of classical ballet and one of contemporary ballet.


It is designed for children between the ages of 8 and 11 with experience in semi-private lessons. The program runs 4 times a week, and the children will participate in national and international ballet competitions, with solo and group numbers, as well as in the three shows organized by the Ballet Art Dance Academy.

In order for the preparatory teacher to be able to assess and guide each student individually, the maximum number allowed for Perform 2 is six children.


Este destinat copiilor cu vârste cuprinse între 7 și 9 ani. Cursanții participă la 3 cursuri intensive pe saptămâna și vor fi introduși treptat în atmosfera concursurilor naționale de balet.

Numărul maxim de cursanți admiși într-o grupă este de șase. Cu toții vor participa și la spectacolele anuale ale Academiei de Dans Ballet Art.

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